"Nachtlab is an experiential agency. We connect clients to culture, bring crowds together, tell stories and measure success in goosebumps. Our mother tongue is the language of the night but we love playing during daytime too, working with brands, promoters, festivals and destinations worldwide. We create shows, moments and spatial designs that immerse audiences in real-life experiences and that gain a following on social media, growing brand love and stories that travel. Whether we work on a main stage, a pop-up brand home, a social media strategy, an online storytelling format, a place-making concept, the opening of a venue or the closing of a city festival, our promise was, is and always will be: We create chemistry.

Founder / Partner
Proudly built the company and hand-picked the lab’s current team of rebels and troublemakers. Known for transforming marketing jargon into culture and KPIs into goosebumps. Loves painting hotel rooms, while drinking champagne likes it’s beer.
Sylvester Lindemulder
Creative Director / Architectural Lead
Our Brit-turned-Amsterdammer who calls himself “a relatively good designer” in any accent you like. Eats bamboo for breakfast. Built his mad skills as an architect and now uses them to build resorts, festival stages and pavilions. Inventor of the infamous cocktail trilogy subtly named the Bermuda Triangle.
Levi Jack Sibthorpe
Creative Director
Swiss-made but self-made creative with a background in music management, show design and visual arts. Moved down from the mountains to fly even higher in Amsterdam. Is not a big fan of Avril Lavigne, but if you have any tickets left, hit him up.
Victor Perrin
Project Manager
Simone is the one who treats projects like people, handling them with loving care and astonishing accuracy. Manages to submit even our staunch co-founder into working his a$$ off as a stagehand when the project demands it. Always gets things done, as proven by that time she just stormed past the queue of Amsterdam’s most exclusive night club during ADE.
Simone Hoogendoorn
As a journalist and visual anthropologist, he knows that only good listeners can be good storytellers. We’re crazy enough to keep him on the payroll, because he’s crazy enough to think he can change the world… and bold enough to turn our office into a mascot-guarded bouncing castle for kid’s parties.
Robert Blaauboer
This longhaired loudmouth has been our go-to copywriter for years, even when he was trucking the globe as a digital nomad. We secured him as a wage slave now, but he still manages to escape to the occasional psytrance festival until we drag him back in his dress.
Niels Arnbak
Interactive Media Designer
Started his career as a professional athlete in Switzerland, then decided to run to Amsterdam to eagerly foster his nerdiness in media design and all other things digital. Loves DJing and is more often seen with headphones than without.
Bastien Mouthon
Graphic designer
Abstract painter with a graphic design fetish that contributes her soft touch to our steady studio output. Completed multiple studies in arts and culture with ample time to explore the local electronic music scene. Biggest dream: Playing the 6th Gate by the D-Devils on a big mainstage.
Iris Bavelaar
Spatial Designer
Our favourite castaway from Spain still misses Spain, where he studied Architecture. He came to us via an Erasmus program in Poland and a brief stint in the Big Apple. By day he works his black magic on our 3D artworks and designs, by night he transforms into the devil’s techno bitch, rolling up his tongue and dyeing his hair in reddish colours. Holy smoke! Minus the holy.
Project Manager
As a Law graduate and former project manager at a bank, Lisa eats corporate culture for breakfast, with a pinch of salt. After she brought the colours of India to the Dutch party scene, we headhunted her in the Bulgarian mountains where her production skills saved a festival from meltdown. She’s now spinning herself into the red thread of our global Sunsets project.
Chief of staff
In 2023, the unbridled movements of our expanding agency needed an orchestrator. Enter Ella, hailing from Melbourne. With her background in both professional ballet and business management, this backstage powerhouse keeps us all in sync and headed towards a consistently great performance. Yes, she cares to dance.
Traffic and Asset Manager
After graduating in art history, the established art world proved a tad too la-di-da for Lia’s tastes. So, she took her fire hoops and aerial acrobatics to the next level, while also learning the ropes of herding creative cats behind the stage curtain. At Nachtlab she walks the fine line between keeping both the creatives and the clients happy, which can be like night and day.
Lia Baron
With a background in both architecture and international business, he has the ability to see all the world as a stage, including buildings like office workspaces. Is renowned for blending venues like cocktails.
Coen van Dijck